Friday, 22 June 2012

GHAZEL by Abdul Rahman sada (RA)


Here is a Gazel (a spritual song ) originally written by my glorious Murshid jenab Abdul Rahman Sada (RA) in Kashmiri. I have humbly tried to translate it into English to reach to the wider audiences out there who might appreciate the import of its meaning.However as with every significant work ,its difficult to find the appropriate word in English , counterpart to the word in kashmiri language that might express the deep meaning but nonetheless I have tried to keep it close.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A Gazel

YEECH KOUL CHUM ARMAAN,.............I have a yearning to know the FACTS OF Life since very very long  time say distant past.                                              
Mateh Alwayee Panun paan,...................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
LOULUKH PAAREY KHAN,....................I have nothing to offer you O! My GUIDE except my all love and love for you!
Mateh Alwayee Panun paan.....................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Paideh yaam kurthum zoun,....................As and when your great self sprouted the seeds of knowing the real knowledge,
Traamus sapdyoum soun,.......................My self worthless like brass was converted into the precious gold.
Khy Tsejmay bay ghoumaan, .................Immediately all the rust and debris covering my thought was removed instantly.
Mate Alwayee panun paan,..................... .O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Haqeeqat ghy maiye aashikaar,..............The realism opened its eyes in my thought.........................................................
Wanghij baniuv khaanehdaar,..................The tenant (GUIDE) became the Lord of my house (Body&Soul)...................
Parreh zun chu malike makaan,...............An unknown person became the owner of the house.....................................
Mateh Alwayee panun paan.....................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Youthe yeti ghafil ghous,.........................As much as i lost the craving for going ahead and come closer to HIM.................... .
Bouy waneneh saeth dour pyous,............The reason for my this foolishness is that i started to design mysels as "I"...........
Anul Haq chouney bayaan,....................."I AM WITHIN YOU" is the dictum of you O! my Lord...........................................
Mateh alwayee Panun paan....................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Marneh brounh maaren yes,................... The entity which will be done to death before its natural death................................
Pyedeh tus sap daan heys,....................That Entity gets gifted with the real and original thought provoking POWER.............
Fateh Manuaul Mout QURAAN,...............The same is explained in the Quranic Verse explicitly......................................
Mateh Alwayee panun paan.....................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Mun Arref ker nawith,........................O! Prophet Mohammed(SAW) your greatself made me to search my own inner side of soul.
Shah ghous per zeh naweth,..............By this process i could recognize the REAL KING OF KINGS within..............................
Choun yaaren deytum paan,.........I offered my self to the four characters TRUTH,JUSTICE,Self restraint & Crusade against "SELF"
Mateh Alwayee panun paan...............O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Choureh cheezeh aedren ghy,................O! Man I was prepared by mixing together of four things..........................................
Khaak,Baad,Aab-u-Naarey,.................These four things are soil,water, air and heat energy.................................................
Nun der jeldy Insaan...........................These four things appeared potently in the body of a Human Being...........................
Mateh Alwayee panun paan,................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Paemyth ayes poutel khaan,..................We were in a statue house taking these statues as Gods......................................
Poureh chey kerreth zaan,....................O! My GUIDE you made us to know the reality of real FACT.....................................
Aenith der Shakely Insaan...................You made us human beings out of the trash we were...............................................
Mateh ALwayee panun paan.................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Lolah bur thek jaan,............................You infused in them the total love and affection........................................................
Maiy te madreir saan,...........................With all the Love and sweetness...........................................................................
Yekso poureh ghoukh ghyaan, .............The thought and thinking was unified in them.........................................................
Mateh alwayee panun paan,..................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Yemove chey kourrey ser khum,.............Those who surrendered before Thyself............................................................
Az khud paey der nadum,......................Out of their own will and volition they became Repentant....................................
Kunirukh gundthek saamaan,...............They were armed with the power of unity of thought and ONENESS OF HIM everywhere.
Mateh Alwayee panun paan,................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Koni mouv zaan,mov wan bouye,...........Now onwards HE is ONE & EVERYWHERE and don't take your self as HIM.
Saarsey manz baasith chouye,............HE is living in every thing whatsoever there is...............................................
Fainama Toulu QURAAN,......................The verse of Holy Quraan indicates this fact...............................................
Mateh Alwayee panun paan..................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.
Sada Rahman rouz ba housh,.............. The FAQIR Says that O! SADA be now highly conscious and vigilant..........................
Paimaneh karith noush,......................Because you have taken the divine wine unbound...................................................
Tareeqat pal shariyat saan,...................The Normal process of religions be kept intact with your inner devinity....................
Mateh Alwayee paun paan...................O! My Guide FAQIR i will put to altar myself for your LOVE and AFFECTION.

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